Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We Have Registered!

Michael and I both had the day off today, so we figured it would be a good time to get our wedding registry taken care of.

Our original plan when we set out was to hit up 3 places: Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, and Wal Mart. We decided almost immediately, though, to knock Wal Mart off the list. It got put on there originally for convenience - so people who didn't live anywhere near the other two would have no trouble. But... All registries can be accessed online, so that's why it disappeared.

So off we went. Bed Bath and Beyond was our first stop, since it was closest. We got in and went to the little area they have set up, and didn't have to wait long before a lady named Kimberly came over. We had to fill out a little paperwork: names, date of even, the address we wanted things shipped to that were going to be mailed (which we put down my parents' place in Winchester, they have a lot more room to store stuff, haha)... While that stuff was being filled out, so we weren't just sitting around, she pulled out a book full of china designs. Now, I'm not one of those people that wanted to have crazy expensive fine china put on our registry. But we found a great pair of everyday china that we put on there first thing.

Once all the paper stuff was taken care of, Kim got us a gun, and off we went. She stayed with us for a bit at first to make sure we were on our feet. She took us to cookware, where we picked out some nice non-stick pots, before leaving us to ourselves. That's one of the things I loved about her. She checked back with us to make sure we were doing okay, got us some bottles of water about halfway through, but she left us alone. It was nice not having someone hover over our shoulder while we did everything, but if we needed help or had questions, it didn't take 5 minutes to get it.

She recommended having around 200 items on our registry so guests could pick more than one gift if they wanted to, and we hit that mark no problem. In the end we had around 208 items or so. The best thing is if we think of other things, we can hop on the website and edit the list however we want. Though, for the most part, we got all our bases covered. Kim said we had a very well-rounded list of items. :)

One of the coolest things: Kim printed up inserts that we could put in with our invitations letting people now we were registered there. Mom planned on putting it in, she's putting together an insert with some information anyway, but there they were! They're really nice looking too.

We were in there for...probably around 2 hours. And by the time we were wrapping things up, we really didn't feel a need to go to Target. So we headed on home.

This puts us one step closer to things being done, and I'm so excited. I've been excited to get this done for a while now. And even though Michael was hesitant to be excited at first, we both had a great time doing it.

Is it October yet? ;)

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