Sunday, July 10, 2011

Marriage Nightmare

Yes... It finally happened. Friday night I had my first nightmare involving the wedding.

It was the day of, and everything was going wrong. One of my bridesmaids got sick right before it was time to take pictures, and yes, she was already in her dress. Needless to say...the dress was messed. We were missing decorations. For some reason, Michael was nowhere to be found. And right before the ceremony was scheduled to start, still sans Michael, I find out one of the wedding rings got accidentally dropped down a gutter. Oh! And that the cake was utterly destroyed in transit to the site. ;_;

Oh my god. It was absolutely terrible. I don't remember full details about everything that was going on, but those are what stuck with me after I woke up. I really hope those don't occur too frequently. I don't know how I'd handle it.

Though, through it all, I can STILL say that my mom had one of these nightmares well before I did...haha

1 comment:

  1. It looks like my comment didn't take the first time. I'm guessing I failed to type the 'test word' and didn't notice. Anyway, what I said was to get Jennifer to add her nightmare here, because then there would be TWO nightmares, and maybe one would cancel the other out.
