Monday, July 11, 2011

Bridezilla Rears Her Head

I was wondering when we would hit a bump in the road. Well, we ran smack into it tonight.

The site we're having the ceremony/reception at has a bridal suite two doors down from it that was included in our reservation. It's something you can either include in with your wedding celebration, or it's something that has been available to rent out for extended stays.

My mom got an email from the owner of the place tonight with some bad news. Unforeseen circumstances, and events out of their control (his words), has made the bridal suite no longer available. Permanently. Not gonna lie, pretty upset about it. When we first visited the place and toured the suite, I absolutely fell in love with it. It wasn't the main factor in deciding on the Limestone Club by any means, but it was quite the motivator. Not to mention how CONVENIENT it was going to be. We were planning on getting ready and dressed there (us girls, anyway). Mom was going to use the refrigerator in its' little kitchen to store some stuff. It was going to be sooooooo easy.

But...I'm doing my best to think positive. Trying to push Bridezilla back down in her hole. It's still early enough that we have options available, that mom is going to start looking into as early as tomorrow. We should be able to get our hands on something nice that's nearby to change in and stay. Not to mention, the owner is being more than accommodating about it. He's going to refund us $300, even though we really didn't pay any extra to begin with. I think this is amazing, I'm blown away by how sweet these guys have been since day one. I'm bummed, I'm angry, and I'd like to absolutely throttle whoever caused this to happen. But I'm gonna move past it.

Below are some parting pictures, as we say a bitter farewell to the gorgeous Limestone Club Bridal Suite.

the bedroom

the amazing bathroom
<3 <3 <3


  1. WTF????? What happened? What went wrong? That thing is awesome. But yeah, the owners are being pretty great about it.

  2. We have no idea. Mom thinks it was something to do with the city. They wouldn't say for sure. But I'm pretty upset about the whole thing. :/

  3. That SUCKS!!!!! Gratz Park Inn is around the corner. Maybe that would work?
